LiveManager User Guide 

LiveManager is the application used during the meeting. In LiveManager you can record and broadcast an event; timestamp items; and record notes, motions, and votes.

A new, cloud-based version of LiveManager called LiveManager Web is now available for clients who have a Live Cast Encoder. The LiveManager Web user guide can be found here.


This section provides an overview of the Admin tab, and includes the following sections:

What is LiveManager?

Launching LiveManager for the First Time

LiveManager HotKey Combinations


This section discusses how to set up LiveManager in preparation for a meeting. It includes the following topics:

Loading a Meeting

Removing a Meeting

Adding Attendees

Adding Speakers

Adding a New Agenda Item

Editing Agenda Items

Deleting Agenda Items

Searching for Agenda Items


Setup Menu Features


This section discusses the Setup menu. It includes the following topics:

Changing Meeting Servers

Changing Configuration Profile