
This section includes best practices for this user guide, the MediaManager interface, and general workflows.

How to Use This Guide

Congratulations on your new Granicus solution! Before you get started, take a moment to review the guide and look for the following things:

Tips for Success

These tips are a collection of best practices and shortcuts for your Granicus solution. These tips, though not mandatory, help you use your Granicus solution as efficiently as possible.

Notes and Warnings

Additional information is found in the form of Notes and Warnings. These callouts contain important information you should know in regards to your solution.


Your user guide contains reference materials such as images, tables, and a glossary. Please study these reference materials to enhance your knowledge of your Granicus solution.


The steps within this guide explain how to use your solution the way it was designed. However, your solution’s interface or functionality may differ depending on your version of software or user guide.

Complete the tasks in this guide from beginning to end as they are written. Only follow any work-arounds as they have been assigned to you by Granicus staff.

Take the time to explore this user guide and your Granicus solution. The more you practice with your solution, the more efficient you’ll become!