This article explains how to trim a video clip in MediaManger. You can either follow the video or written instructions below. 

Complete the following steps from the Archives tab:

  1. Select the archive folder containing the archive to be trimmed.

  2. Select the archive itself, and click Edit.

  3. Click the Trimming subtab.

  4. Click the Play button on the Video Player, and let the video run until you get to the place you want for the start time.

  5. When the video reaches the desired starting point, click the Play button again to pause the video.

  6. Click the Get from Player button to add the time to the Start Time field. 

Tip for Success! You can also find your start time by double-clicking the first timestamp in the agenda and rewinding the video to a few seconds before the timestamp. Click the Get from Player button.

  1. Repeat steps 4–6 for setting the stop time.

Tip for Success! You can also find your stop time by clicking the last timestamp in the agenda and fast-forwarding the video to a few seconds after the timestamp. Click the Get from Player button.

  1. Click Trim File

The Trimming subtab

Note: The trimming process takes noticeably longer on large files for customers using the H.264 solution, due to format and file size. Here are some estimates based on video length.

Please note that these estimates do not account for individual environmental configurations—such as firewall appliances and packet inspectors—that may add time to the requests.

Archive Length

Trimming Time

3 hours

7–15 minutes

6 hours

20–25 minutes

12 hours

2 hours, 30 minutes

To help mitigate this issue, we recommend the following:

  • Start the meeting when it actually begins in the chambers so you don't need to trim the beginning of the file.

  • If you need to trim, do it last. Start trimming before you leave for lunch or head home for the day. That way, you won't need to sit and watch the file the whole time it is trimming.

Some things to note about trimming:

  • The destination archive’s status during trimming is set to Trimming. If archive A is trimmed to archive B, then B temporarily has the Trimming status and A's status is not changed. If archive A is trimming back to itself, A has the Trimming status.

  • A “Trim Processing” message informs you when the trimming process begins.

  • You can’t start trimming a file while it is being trimmed, but you can trim a different file at the same time.

  • You can edit the minutes during a trim, but editing timestamps during a trim can potentially result in out-of-sync timestamps, so we do not recommend it.

  • Copying the archive is not allowed during trimming.

Notes: Clicking Trim File without naming the new file will update the existing file; however, an auto-generated backup of the original file will be sent to the Recycle Bin.

You can create a clip between two timestamped agenda items by using the Get from Selection button. Select a timestamped agenda item by clicking it, and then click Get from Selection for the Start Time field. Select a second timestamped agenda item, and then click Get from Selection for the Stop Time field.