The following table shows the different levels of permissions for users of Peak Agenda Management:

Permission LevelDescription
Approvals-OnlyThis role is limited to approving assigned agenda items, viewing the details and attachments associated with those items, viewing the Items page, and viewing the dashboard to see 1) the count of items awaiting approval and 2) upcoming meetings.
View OnlyThis role allows users view-only access to all Final-status agendas associated with their user group, and view-only access to all final agendas not restricted to a group. User will also have view-only access to agenda items that are public (meeting body not owned by any user group) as well as view-only access to approved agenda items whose meeting body is owned by a user group whom this view only user is not a part of. No editing permissions. 
DrafterThis role allows users to create and manage everything related to agenda items and agenda item workflow. Drafters can also view agendas along with associated items and attachments, when those agendas have been assigned a Final status, or Draft status when a site setting is activated.  
Agenda CoordinatorThis role has all the permissions of the Drafter, plus the ability to create and manage meetings and agendas.
Peak AdminThis role has all the permissions of the Agenda Coordinator, with the addition of access to Peak Admin, which allows configuration and management of the application.
Platform AdministratorThis role allows users to manage users and groups in the Graniucs Platform. It has all the privileges of a Peak Admin as well as the capability to create user logins for people records in Peak. 

To learn how to add a user and set permissions for that user, see Creating People in Peak. To learn about assigning roles to groups of users, see Assigning Group Roles in Peak.