
What's New in govMeetings: October 6, 2023

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What's New in govMeetings: October 6, 2023
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Legistar and Insite

  • A typo has been corrected in the description of the System Setting Show Indexes on Meeting Reports.
  • We have closed a loophole that previously allowed the same permanent file ID to be assigned to multiple files in the Agendas Module and Minutes Module. Legistar now checks for the next three unused sequential File ID numbers. If none of these three File ID numbers are available, you receive a message indicating that the assignment has failed.
  • Using the API, the "additional text" property on the Office Record Resource can now be accessed via PUT and POST in addition to GET.
  • We have addressed a potential error when certain reports contained ampersands in the name. Reports can now use ampersands in their names without issue.

MediaManager and Granicus Video

  • We have fixed a bug that changed the status of paused and extended events from Pause to Resume when the page was refreshed.


  • We have made accessibility improvements for the left navigation panel on the Peak Items page. Now, a visually impaired user can navigate to the elements of the left menu and open sub-menus. Clickable items function as expected and screen readers read out all elements. 
  • Previously, when adding a link to an agenda item without any prefix (HTTP or HTTPS), the link would break the agenda creation workflow. Now, Peak prompts you to add a prefix to the beginning of the URL so that the link works as expected. If you want to copy-paste a shared clip, this fix also allows Peak to navigate to the clip as expected. Note: This fix only applies to data entered after the release and does not include historical data fixes.

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