
What's New in govMeetings: August 11, 2023

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What's New in govMeetings: August 11, 2023
Article Details
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  • We have made network routing changes to resolve an issue that was causing the Join functionality for iLegislate to fail intermittently. Users can now join live meetings consistently as expected.

Legistar and Insite

  • We have resolved an issue when using the Show Cover Per Each Legislative Item setting, which allows a user to check a box on each file to indicate whether a cover page should be printed. Previously, Show File Cover Without Attachments had to be set to 'No' in order to use the Show Cover Per Each Legislative Item setting, and as a result, files without attachments could not have covers printed. Now, users with Show Cover Per Each Legislative Item set to 'Yes' can use the checkbox to print a cover even when Show File Cover Without Attachments is set to 'No.'
  • We have fixed a bug in which the New File button in the Files module was greyed out and unusable at unexpected times, such as while in a locked ATS sequence. The button's functionality is now accessible when expected.
  • We have fixed a bug in signature lines using break formatting for signature and certified copy reports in Legistar.
  • We have made a small update to automatically supply HTTPS rather than HTTP as the default starting text in a form field for URLs. This encourages the use of the more secure protocol.
  • We have made a small change to API documentation to indicate that the Legistar API uses the more secure HTTPS protocol rather than HTTP.
  • We have updated the Legistar API to make the OfficeRecordSupportNameID field (Appointed By in the UI) updatable using PUT and POST.

MediaManager and Granicus Video

  • We have addressed an error registered in the console when selecting hyperlinked agenda items, which prevented the player from jumping to the relevant time in the video as it does when you click on the item in the panel below the player.

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