
What's New in govMeetings: April 21, 2023

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What's New in govMeetings: April 21, 2023
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Boards and Commissions

  • We fixed a bug that was preventing users from editing multi-select checkboxes on submitted applications.

Legistar and Insite

  • We fixed an ATS bug that allowed users to modify sequences on a locked file. Now, when a user locks a file by hitting the lock button, users cannot add approvers or start or modify an ATS; the file must be unlocked with the lock button before further action can be taken.
  • We have updated jQuery, a third-party library, to the most recent version.
  • We have implemented a minor text change to a pop-up that occurs when a file is locked. Previously, the pop-up read that a deadline for scheduling agenda dates is closed. It now reads that the deadline has passed. This was done to alleviate confusion for jurisdictions who do not use the Closed status.
  • We have fixed a bug that impacted users of the new Legistar Password Policy. Previously, when a user's password expired, an email was sent reading that the user's password would expire in 0 days. Now, the expiration email includes the date on which the password expired.
  • We have updated the Legistar Password Policy so that passwords are no longer subjected to spellcheck. Spellcheck's red zigzag line beneath password boxes is no longer present.
  • We have added a new setting in Administration, General | Approvals Show Agenda Dates On Home Screen, which is optional if a jurisdiction wishes to see the agenda data for a file in the Approval Requests list on the Home page. By default, the setting is disabled and approvals are displayed as before.
  • We have added a new setting in Administration, Legislative Files | Show Cover Per Each Legislative Item. By default, this setting is set to No. When set to Yes, the setting only enables the checkbox on the Details tab; a user must still mark each file individually if they want to skip generating a cover for that item. This feature is for Agenda/Minutes packets only; it does not affect Legislative Files packets. Note: This new setting should not be enabled if the setting Agenda Packet | Show File Cover Without Attachments is enabled, as the settings will be in conflict with each other.
  • We have updated third-party components to improve security.

MediaManager and Granicus Video

  • We fixed a bug that prevented meetings from being started via MediaManager.

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