
What's New in Legistar: February 9, 2018

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What's New in Legistar: February 9, 2018
Article Details

New Features and Enhancements

In this section, you'll find updates to existing features as well as brand-new functionality.

Updates to WebAPI

  • We added WebAPI documentation examples explaining how to use the token parameter:
  • Legistar WebAPI will now return newly created objects as JSON or XML in the POST response, according to the accept header. The previous text response is available when requesting text/plain.   
  • Previously when retrieving matters via the WebAPI, only public matters were available. Now users with a Write Token or the WebAPI key can retrieve all private as well as public matters.

Agenda Packet Directory and Legislative Files Packet Destination settings 

Previously, the Agenda Packet Directory and Legislative File Packet Destination could be set only in Administration > System Settings > File Location and would be a single location for all users. We've modified this functionality: users can now override the settings in Local Settings > File Locations. Each user can now set their own path for Agenda Packet Directory and Legislative Files Packet Destination.

Security Setting for Editing Title Field 

Previously, a security group could not be restricted from editing the Title field of a Legislative File. We have added a setting in Administration > System Security > Security Features > Functional List > Legislative Files. 

    Bug Fixes 

    • We've improved handling of email errors in InSite Alerts. Bad exceptions were preventing some alerts from being sent.
    • Extremely long agenda file names no longer cause syncing to fail in InSite.

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