
Using Links in a Bulletin

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Using Links in a Bulletin
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The bulletin editor in govDelivery allows you to link to much more than just websites. From a single dialog box, you can link text and images to email addresses, anchors and macros, and landing pages. 
To link a piece of text, select the text and click the link icon (Image of the link icon)  to bring up the link dialog box.
To link an image, select the image and click the link icon( insert link icon) to bring up the link dialog box (Figure 1).

The insert link dialog box
Figure 1

This dialog box contains three tabs: Web Link, Files, and Landing Pages. 

Web Links

The Web Link tab allows you to link text or an image to a URL, email address, Anchor, or Macro. Previous versions of govDelivery included the option to Link to Email Address (Link to email address icon) and Back to Top (Top of page icon). These same actions can now be completed using the Web Link tab. See below for the new instructions:


  1. Select URL in the Type dropdown menu
  2. Enter the URL- we strongly recommend entering the full URL, e.g. "" and not ""
  3. Add the text you wish to display for your link
  4. Click Insert

Link to Email Address

  1. Select Email in the Type dropdown menu
  2. Enter the email address you are linking to in the Email field
  3. Add the text you wish to display for your link
  4. Click Insert

Back to Top

  1. Select Anchor from the Type dropdown menu 
  2. Select Top of Page from the Anchor dropdown menu
  3. Click Insert


The Web Link tab includes options for linking text or images to Macros, snippets of code related to a subscriber profile or a piece of communication information. For more information about the available macros in govDelivery, read our article about Macros.

Linking to a File

The Files tab shows you a list of files that have been uploaded to your account (Figure 2). You can select an existing file to add a link, or click the Upload File button at the top right corner of the dialog box to upload and link to a new file.
Link to account file dialog box
Figure 2

Linking to a Landing Page

If you have already created one or more Landing Pages for your account, you can link to them from the Landing Pages tab. This tab lists your account's landing pages, the date of creation, and whether or not the landing page is published. (Figure 3). If the landing page is not published, you can still link to it from a bulletin, but the link will be broken unless you publish the landing page. Select a landing page and click Insert to create a link to that landing page. If you have already added anchors to your landing page, you can select one from the Anchors drop-down menu, and the link will go directly to that anchor. If no anchor is available or selected, the link will go to the top of the landing page by default. For more information, read our article about Landing Pages.

Link to a Landing Page dialog box
Figure 3


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