This article explains how to use advanced search in Peak Agenda. You can follow either the video or written instructions below.
On the Items page, Peak gives you the ability to use a simple or advanced search. To use a simple search, type keywords of the item title, text from an attachment on an agenda item, or the item ID in the Search field. Press a carriage return or click on the spyglass to initiate the search. The results are filtered as you type.
Advanced Search
To use advanced search, use the toggle found under the Search field. It will be on Simple Search by default. Click to move it to Advanced Search:
The Advanced Search fields display:
You can search using any of the standard fields on an agenda item. Searches are not case sensitive.
Item Title
Enter text in the field to find all agenda item whose Title fields contain keywords entered. This field uses an intelligent search, which will return not only exact matches on English words but root word matches. For example,
a search for "Negotiating" would also return items with "negotiate," "negotiation," etc., in the field;
a search for "selection" would also return items with "select," "selecting," etc., in the field.
This field uses an OR type search if you enter multiple keywords, i.e., search results will include items that contain any one or more of the keywords entered.
Note: Searching for a word such as “legislation” will find agenda items that contain the word “legislation,” but not those item titles in which the word is contiguous with other characters, for example, “legislation_080917” or “legislation10." Unlike simple search, which finds all items that contain a set of characters in the title as a partial or complete match, advanced search performs an intelligent exact-match search in these cases. To find these agenda items with advanced search, provide the complete set of contiguous, non-whitespace characters to retrieve the item, e.g., "legislation10."
Suggested Action
Enter text in the field to find all agenda items whose Suggested Action fields contain keywords entered. This field uses an intelligent search, which will return not only exact matches on English words but root word matches. For example,
a search for "Negotiating" would also return items with "negotiate," "negotiation," etc., in the field;
a search for "selection" would also return items with "select," "selecting," etc., in the field.
This field uses an OR type search if you enter multiple keywords, i.e., search results will include items that contain any one or more of the keywords entered.
Item Type
This drop-down menu contains the item types used in your Peak system.
This drop-down menu contains the users set up in your Peak system.
Meeting Date
This drop-down menu contains multiple options for searching by date.
Select an option and then select dates as described in the table below to narrow your search:
All Dates
This is the default selection and will not narrow the search based on dates.
This selection will return results that are scheduled only for the specified date.
Select a date using the date picker () or enter a date in the field using the MM/DD/YYYY format.
This selection will return results prior to this date. The results will not be inclusive of the selected date.
Select a date using the date picker () or enter a date in the field using the MM/DD/YYYY format.
This selection will return results following this date. The results will not be inclusive of the selected date.
Select a date using the date picker () or enter a date in the field using the MM/DD/YYYY format.
This selection will return results scheduled in the ranges spanning the two dates entered. This is an inclusive search, i.e., the results will include events that are scheduled on the two selected dates.
Use the calendar picker () in the Start and End fields to select the range of dates to search.
Not Scheduled
This selection will return all unscheduled agenda items.
Submitting Department
This drop-down menu contains the departments used in your Peak system.
Meeting Body
This drop-down menu contains the meeting bodies used in your Peak system.
Item ID
Type an item ID in the field. This will return only exact matches for the item ID entered.
Attachment Search
Enter a filename or key words in the field. The system will search filenames, author, and title meta-data, as well as text contents of a document.
You can also do a wildcard search (*.docx) to search for all agenda items with a DOCX attachment type. Enclose your search in double quotes in this field to search for filenames that include spaces, e.g., “minutes for 011217 meeting.docx”.
Up to 100 agenda items can be returned. Once results are returned, the attachments matching the criteria are highlighted in yellow.
Searching Standard Fields
Enter a value into a field or any combination of fields as described above and click Search.
Results of the search are shown with best matches at the top. If you search using more than one field, this is an AND type search, i.e., to be included in the results, items must contain matching values from all fields into which you enter data.
You'll also get an item count so you can see how many items match your search terms:
You can edit the terms of your search by clicking the edit advanced search link, which will display next to the toggle once you've used advanced search during your current Peak session (once you log out, the search will be cleared).
Clicking the link reopens the fields, enabling you to change information or add search terms to more fields. You can also click Reset All Fields at the bottom left to clear the search and start over. Click Search again when you've finished editing your terms.
To return to simple search, either first clear all the fields in Advanced Search with the Reset All Fields button and then click Cancel, or run an advanced search and then toggle the switch back to Simple Search
Adding Custom Fields to Your Search
You can also add one or more custom fields to your advanced search. With the Advanced Search modal open, click the Add Custom Field Search button at the bottom of the modal.
Once you click the button, you'll see a drop-down menu containing the custom fields that have been set up in your system and used in the creation of at least one agenda item. Select the custom field you'd like to use in this search.
Depending on what type of custom field you've selected, you will enter text or make a selection to specify what the search should look for. The custom fields selected in the examples shown below are named after the type of field represented. The Custom Field drop-down menu in your Peak system will contain the labels of the custom fields set up by your Peak Admin.
Custom Field Type
Input Type
Text Field
Rich Text Area
Date Picker
Calendar selector
Meeting Body Combo Box
Drop-down menu containing Meeting Bodies
Department Combo Box
Drop-down menu containing Departments
People Combo Box
Drop-down menu containing People
Radio (Yes/No)
Radio button selection
Text Area
To add more custom fields to the search, click Add Custom Field Search again and make another selection. Use the X to the right of any custom field to remove it from the search (click Reset All Fields to remove all custom fields you've added). Click Search when you're done.
Custom field searches can be used alone or in conjunction with inputs in the standard fields. If you search using more than one field (standard or custom or a combination), this is an AND type search, i.e., to be included in the results, items must contain matching values from all fields into which you enter data.
Notes on Advanced Search
Searches are not case sensitive.
Use care when searching for phrases with underscores between words in the Title and Suggested Action fields. Advanced search will find an item titled "City_Council" by searching for "City_Council" but not when searching only for "City" or "Council" or a partial sub-string of the above.
Item Title and Suggested Action fields use an OR type search if you enter multiple keywords, i.e., search results will include items that contain any one or more of the keywords entered, with best matches containing all entered keywords returned first.
Item Title and Suggested Action fields use an intelligent search, which will return not only exact matches on English words but root word matches. For example,
a search for "Negotiating" would also return items with "negotiate," "negotiation," etc., in the field;
a search for "selection" would also return items with "select," "selecting," etc., in the field.
If you search using more than one field, this is an AND type search, i.e., to be included in the results, items must contain matching values from all fields into which you enter data.