Administrators have the option of adding subscribers to their account in bulk by uploading a .CSV file of email addresses and phone numbers. The following steps outline the proper actions and formatting practices that are required to successfully import a list of subscribers into your organization's govDelivery account.
Creating a .CSV with Subscriber Contact Information
Create a new spreadsheet in a program such as Microsoft Excel or Numbers for Mac.
In the A1 cell, write the word Destination.
(Optional) If you would like to upload subscriber answers to questions, copy and paste the exact title of your first question (e.g. First Name) in the next cell (B1). Continue this process for each additional question. Your spreadsheet should look like this:
Use column A to enter the email addresses and/or wireless phone numbers for your subscribers. Use the following formatting:
For email: Email addresses must be complete with @ signs, and the correct appendage (i.e .com, .net, .org, etc.)
For wireless numbers: Phone numbers should not have any punctuation and do not require the country code to be uploaded (i.e. the 1 for U.S. numbers and the 44 for U.K. numbers) as it is automatically added based on the setting for each individual account. For U.S. accounts, numbers must be in their ten-digit format (with area code) and for U.K. accounts, numbers can either be in their eleven-digit format (starting with 07) or be in a ten-digit format with the first zero removed.
(Optional) In the columns you designated with question titles, paste your subscribers’ answers to each question. Note: Before you can upload a list of subscribers with questions, an Account Administrator must create these questions and assign them to the topic. If you include questions that have not been assigned to this topic, the upload will fail. For more information on assigning questions to a topic, please see Creating Questions.
a. If using a Mac computer:
Save your spreadsheet as an MS-DOS .CSV. This is required for proper uploading.
Note: When you save a .CSV file on a Mac, a warning may appear saying that some features of the workbook will not work or will be removed if you save in this format. Click Continue when this warning appears.
b. If using a Windows computer:
Save your spreadsheet as a CSV (MS-DOS) file. This is required for proper uploading.
Uploading Your Subscriber .CSV File
Log in to govDelivery to upload your subscribers and do one of the following:
To add subscribers to a topic, click Topics in the left navigation menu, then click the topic to which you want to add your subscribers to.
To add subscribers to a category, click Categories in the left navigation menu, then click the category to which you want to add your subscribers.
Note: You can only upload subscribers to a category if the category's Allow Subscription setting is set to Yes.
On the right side of the screen, select Subscribers.
Scroll to find the Upload subscriber list field. Browse for your file and select it from your computer.
If you want this list to replace the existing subscriber list for this topic or category, set the Replace Subscriptions field to Yes.
You might choose to do this if, for example, you're managing a topic you send to internal employees and want to replace your subscriber list with a current list of all employees.
Any subscribers removed from the list when an administrator replaces subscriptions are NOT marked as deleted, and these subscribers will NOT be included in the Deleted Subscriber Report.
Select the checkbox to confirm that you have consent/lawful basis to add or update subscriber information. In our ongoing efforts to ensure compliance with GDPR and other local privacy laws, we now require admins to confirm they have consent/lawful basis to upload/create a new subscriber in govDelivery. You must now check the box confirming you have consent/lawful basis to upload the subscriber's data before you can proceed with the upload/creation (the "Save" button will appear grayed out until the consent checkbox has been checked).
Click Save to save your changes.
The system will begin importing subscribers. When your subscribers have been successfully uploaded, you will receive a confirmation email from Granicus. Before you begin uploading another list, or the same subscriber list to another topic, be sure to wait until you receive this success message. Any duplicate email addresses or wireless phone numbers are removed. The confirmation email will state if some of your records were suppressed or invalid. If none of your subscribers were successfully uploaded, you will be notified via email that your subscription upload failed.
Subscriber Upload Template
At the bottom of this page is a sample template you can use for uploading your subscribers. This template has sample columns and visual examples of the correct email and phone number formats.
Tip: If you want to use this sample as a starting point for building your organization's subscriber list for upload, make sure you delete the First Name, Last Name, and Zip Code columns, or rename them to the Questions your organization uses, and upload it to the system.
For Further Assistance
If you require further assistance to upload your list, you receive an error message, or you are attempting to upload a list that is larger than 100,000 subscribers, contact Support using the 'Contact Support' button on the right side of this page, and one of our knowledgeable representatives can assist you in completing the upload. Be sure that you have a current list in the proper format to best allow us to help you with your upload.