
Recording Attendance in Legistar Minutes

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Recording Attendance in Legistar Minutes
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This article will cover the following topics: 
Before you can record any actions on a meeting in the Legistar Minutes module, you must first record Attendance. This tells Legistar which members were present at the meeting, and which members were available to move, second, and vote.

How to take Attendance in Legistar Minutes

  1. Open the meeting in the Legistar Minutes module.
  2. Select the line on which you want to record Attendance. (Most users record their Attendance on a line titled Roll Call, but you can record Attendance on any line.)
  3. Click the Actions tab.
actions tab
  1. Click the Attendance sub-tab located on the right section of the page
  1. Click the Attendance button at the bottom of the right-hand section. This will populate all current members of the meeting’s body, with their Attendance status set to ‘Present’ by default.
attendance button

Add attendees that are not members of the meeting body

If you need to add any attendees that are not members of the meeting body, select them from the dropdown menu above the list of attendees and click Add Member.
add member

Change a member’s attendance status

If you need to change a member’s Attendance status, click the Present field next to their name, and then click the down arrow to select a different status. Click Save.
change attendance status

If an attendee’s name does not populate or can’t be selected

If an attendee’s name is not populating when clicking the Attendance button, or if is not appearing in the dropdown menu that is used to select attendees, follow the steps below to check that the following criteria are met:
  1. Attendee is active
  2. Attendee is included in at least one meeting body, AND the date of the meeting must be contained within the attendee’s term

1. Check that the attendee is active:
  1. Open Legistar Administration.
  2. Click People in the left navigation bar.
  3. Click the Tools menu at the top, select Criteria, and uncheck Show Active Records Only.
  4. Find and select the attendee’s name.
  5. Make sure that the Active box is checked. If it is not, check it and click Save.
active member 

2. Check that the Attendee is included in at least one meeting body, AND the date of the meeting must be contained within the attendee’s term

The attendee must be included in at least one meeting body, AND the date of the meeting must be contained within the attendee’s term. For the attendee to populate automatically when clicking the Attendance button, the attendee must be included in the meeting body for which the meeting was held.
  1. Open Legistar Administration.
  2. In the left navigation bar, expand the Government Bodies menu and click Bodies.
  3. Find and select the meeting body that should include the attendee.
  4. Click the Office Members tab at the top of the page.
member body
  1. Click the calendar icon to the right of the Show Members Only For Selected Date field.
calendar icon
  1. Use the calendar to find and select the date of the meeting.
  2. Check that the attendee is listed. If they are not, proceed to step 8.
  3. Uncheck the Show Members Only For Selected Date box. If the attendee is now listed, then select their name and edit their Start Date and End Date fields so that the range includes the date of the meeting, and then click Save. If the attendee is still not listed, proceed to step 9.
 Show members only check box
  1. Click New to create a new record for the attendee.
  2. Complete the required fields, as marked with an asterisk. To learn more about fields, read our Adding a New Office Memberarticle. 
  3. Click Save.

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