Legistar Administration

Use Legistar Administration to configure the settings in your Legistar database. We've organized the Administration topics as follows:

Legistar Administration Overview

The Legistar Administration Overview describes how to launch Legistar, open and navigate Administration. It also describes common functionality on Administration screens, and how to configure site information.

Government Bodies


The Government Bodies section describes how to manage the legislative groups that make up your organization (e.g., councils, departments, boards, commissions).

Working with body types and bodies

Working with office members Government body reports



The People section describes how to manage the list of all Legistar Users, Office Holders, Department Staff, or any individual who is or can be on a list used in Legistar.

Legislative Files


The Legislative Files section describes how to create and maintain file types, which are used for searching, grouping, and reporting. 

Workflow Controls


This section describes how to define an agenda by specifying agenda settings and advanced settings, and set up workflow actions.

Report Design

The Report Design section describes how to set up the reports used in the Legistar system. You can modify the report options, set default options, and descriptions, and rename your reports on demand without having to customize each one.

Legislative files

Agenda Meeting minutes General

Votes and Attendance Settings


The Votes and Attendance Settings section describes how to control the way attendance and votes are displayed and printed on various reports in Legistar. This section also enables you to control the formatting of meeting member names in reports.

System Security


The System Security section describes how to create user groups, and assign access rights and body security permissions to those user groups.


System Settings


Label Settings


The Label Settings section describes how to change field labels in the Legistar program as well as impose access controls on the data fields. 

Approval Tracking


The Approval Tracking section describes how to set up approval sequences and add approval members to a sequence, and set up email templates and add variables to email templates.

Security Log

The Security Log section describes the Security Log, which is strictly a tool used for support issues. 

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