
How to Configure Google Analytics Account in IQM2

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How to Configure Google Analytics Account in IQM2
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We have recently made changes to the Google Analytics code in IQM2 to stay up-to-date with Google Analytics 4. In order to continue using Google Analytics with IQM2, you need to configure your Google Analytics account. Follow the steps below to configure your account.
  1. Navigate to
  2. Click Sign in to Analytics.
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  1. Sign in using the Gmail credentials you want to use for your Google Analytics account.
  2. Click Start measuring.
  3. Enter a name for your new account in the Account name field.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Enter a property name for your account in the Property name field.
  6. Select your Reporting time zone and Currency from the drop-down menus.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Select your Industry category from the drop-down menu.
  9. Select your Business size from the available radio buttons.
  10. Click Next.
  11. Select all applicable business objectives from the checkboxes available.
  12. Click Create.
  13. Select "I also accept the Data Processing Terms as required by GDPR."
  14. Click I Accept.
  15. Click the platform for which you want to collect data.
  16. Enter the Website URL and Stream name for your data stream.
  17. Click Create stream.
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  1. From the Google Analytics home page, click Admin in the left navigation bar.
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  1. Select the account and property you just created.
  2. Click Data Streams.
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  1. Click the name of the data stream you just created.
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  1. Click the copy icon next to the Measurement ID to copy the ID.
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  1. In IQM2, navigate to Tools > Settings...
  2. In the left navigation bar, click Web Portal.
  3. Paste the measurement ID from step 24 into the Google Analytics Account # field.
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  1. Click OK.
To validate that the account has been configured properly, follow these steps:
  1. Open your IQM2 site in an internet browser.
  2. Right click the page and select View Page Source.
  3. Type Ctrl+F to open Find-in-page.
  4. Enter the measurement ID from step 24 above. If the ID appears in the page source, your Google Analytics account has been configured properly.
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