The Bulletins Analytics Report is a complete listing of all bulletins sent by your organization and detailed delivery and response tracking metrics. With this report, you actually see the impact of your multi-channel communication efforts in a timely manner. You can go beyond just who you communicated with, to analyzing who opened, clicked on, and shared your information.
To access the Bulletin Analytics Report:
In the left navigation menu, click Reports.
Under Bulletin Reports, click Bulletin Analytics.
Select a Start Date and an End Date.
Click Show Report.
Note: Previously, the Bulletin History Report displayed much of the same information found here in the Bulletin Analytics Report. Since the Bulletin Analytics Report provides more robust metrics and is now available to all accounts, the Bulletin History Report has been retired.
Summary Fields
The summary section provides an overview of the report's contents. Fields in the summary include:
Bulletins Sent - The number of bulletins sent from your account; includes all email, wireless, and digested message recipients.
Total Recipients - Number of subscribers who received bulletins from the account during the specified time frame; includes all email, wireless, and digested message recipients.
Total Delivered - The number of bulletins successfully delivered to the recipients' email server or wireless service; includes all email, wireless, and digested message recipients.
Total Failed -The number of bulletins the system failed to deliver to the recipients. Failures may include an email address to an unknown domain, full inbox, or many other reasons. Includes all email, wireless, and digested message recipients.
Percent Delivered - Percent of bulletins that were successfully delivered to recipients (Bulletins Sent divided by Total Delivered). Includes all email, wireless, and digested message recipients.
Total Immediate Email Recipients - Number of non-digested email recipients. This field only displays if your account has digesting enabled.
Unique Email Opens - Number of bulletins opened by recipients. For the open to be recorded, the embedded web beacon included in the bulletin must render. Therefore, this value does not include bulletins opened in text-only email clients or many wireless devices. Only the unique opens are counted (i.e., if a recipient opens the bulletin three times, only one open will be counted).
Unique Email Open Rate - The percentage of email subscribers who received this bulletin and opened it at least once. This is calculated by dividing the number of subscribers who opened the bulletin by the number of all email subscribers who received it (including plain-text email subscribers).
Note: Plain-text email subscribers might artificially lower this rate as they are included in the total sent calculation, but cannot be calculated in the number of opens. Wireless recipients are omitted from this calculation.
Average Number of Links per Bulletin - The average number of links per bulletin sent.
Unique Bulletin Link Clicks- The collective number of unique clicks for every link in the bulletin.
This number is impacted by the amount of links included in an email. For example, if one recipient clicks two links in the bulletin, two unique bulletin link clicks are added to this metric.
A click is counted only once per link clicked by each recipient. For example, if one recipient clicks one link three times, only one unique bulletin link click is added to this metric.
A link is only tracked if it contains the redirect tracking code added by Granicus and the mail sender.
Click Rate - The frequency with which recipients are clicking unique links in a bulletin. The Click Rate is determined by the number of Unique Bulletin Link Clicks divided by the total number of successfully delivered bulletins.
For example, if the bulletin is successfully sent to one recipient, and that recipient clicks three links within the bulletin, the Click Rate is 300%.
Facebook Clicks - The collective number of times recipients clicked to open the bulletin’s shared bulletin page from a post sent to your Facebook page.
Twitter Clicks - The collective number of times recipients clicked to open the bulletin’s shared bulletin page from a Tweet on Twitter.
Detail Fields
The details section provides in-depth bulletin analytics. You can customize the fields in the details section to include the data that is important to you and your organization. Fields in the details section include:
Sent Date - Time stamp of when the bulletin was sent; includes date, time, and time zone.
Bulletin Subject - Subject line of the bulletin.
To - Recipients of the bulletin, identified by the topic.
Delivery Status - Indicates whether the email was delivered or if there was a failure.
Delivered -govDelivery has attempted to send to 100% of recipients. Some may have returned delivery failures.
Sending - A portion of the list is still in progress or has not yet been attempted.
Succeeded - The bulletin was delivered to 100% of recipients. There are no delivery failures.
On Hold - The bulletin did not send at all. This may occur, for example, if a campaign is running and the recipient number is 0.
Total Recipients - Total number of all email, digest, and wireless recipients for a bulletin.
Total Delivered - Number of bulletins successfully delivered to the recipients' email server; includes all email, wireless, and digested message recipients.
Total Failed - Number of bulletins the system failed to deliver to the recipients. Failures may include an email address to an unknown domain, full inbox, or many other reasons. Includes all email, wireless, and digested message recipients.
Percent Delivered - Percent of bulletins that were successfully delivered to recipients (Bulletins Sent divided by Total Delivered). Includes all email, wireless, and digested message recipients.
Email Recipients - Number of email subscribers that received the bulletin. This column only displays if your account has wireless alerts enabled.
Emails Delivered - Number of bulletins successfully delivered to email subscribers. This column only displays if your account has wireless alerts enabled.
Emails Failed - Number of bulletins that failed to deliver to email recipients. This column only displays if your account has wireless alerts enabled.
Percent of Emails Delivered - Percent of bulletins that were successfully delivered to email recipients (Email Recipients divided by Emails Delivered). This column only displays if your account has wireless alerts enabled.
Unique Email Opens - Number of bulletins opened by recipients. For the open to be recorded, the embedded web beacon included in the bulletin must render. Therefore, this value does not include bulletins opened in text-only email clients or many wireless devices. Only the unique opens are counted (i.e., if a recipient opens the bulletin three times, only one open will be counted).
Unique Email Open Rate - The percentage of email subscribers who received this bulletin and opened it at least once. This is calculated by dividing the number of subscribers who opened the bulletin by the number of all email subscribers who received it (including plain-text email subscribers).
Note: Plain-text email subscribers might artificially lower this rate as they are included in the total sent calculation, but cannot be calculated in the number of opens. Wireless recipients are omitted from this calculation.
Total Email Opens - Number of emails that were opened by immediate email recipients.
Bulletin Links Included - Number of links that were included in the bulletin. For example, a bulletin that includes 2 links was sent to 100 recipients. Thus, the Bulletin Links Included count is 2.
Unique Bulletin Link Clicks - The number of recipients who clicked a link included in the bulletin. Note that the link must contain the redirect (tracking code) added by Granicus and the mail sender. The link will typically open the client's site.
Click Rate - The percentage of recipients who clicked at least one link in the bulletin. The Click Rate is determined by the number of email subscribers who clicked a link divided by the total number of sent email bulletins (including plain-text email subscribers). Please note that plain-text email subscribers might artificially lower this rate as they are included in the total sent calculation, but cannot be calculated in the number of clicks. Note: Wireless recipients are omitted from this calculation.
Segment - Displays which segment (if any) the bulletin was sent to. Accounts with segments enables (part of the Advanced Package) should see the segments column automatically in the report. If a bulletin was not sent to a segment, the column will not contain any information.
Total Bulletin Link Clicks - Total number of links clicked by immediate email recipients.
Shared Bulletin Page Views - Number of times the bulletin's shared bulletin page has been viewed.
One-Click Unsubscribes - Total number of people who clicked the one-click unsubscribe link across all bulletins analyzed in the report. This only tracks clicks for one-click unsubscribe URLs (not including clicks to a subscriber preferences URL).
Sender - The sender's email address.
Digest Email Recipients - Total number of email recipients who did not receive the message immediately (subscribe to a digest option).
Wireless Recipients - Total number of recipients who received wireless versions of the message.
Bulletin Visibility - Indicates if the bulletin was Public or Private.
Published to Facebook - Indicates if the bulletin was published to Facebook (Yes), not published to Facebook (No), or if there was an error (Failure).
Facebook Account - Indicates what Facebook account the bulletin was published to.
Published to Twitter - Indicates if the bulletin was published to Twitter (Yes), not published to Twitter (No), or if there was an error (Failure).
Twitter Account - Indicates what Twitter account the bulletin was published to.
Published to RSS - Indicates if the bulletin was published to an RSS feed (yes), not published to RSS (No), or if there was an error (Failure).
Facebook Clicks - The collective number of times recipients clicked to open the shared bulletin page from a post sent to your Facebook page.
Twitter Clicks - The collective number of times recipients clicked to open the shared bulletin page from a Tweet on Twitter.
Customizing the Bulletin Analytics Report
The Bulletin Analytics Details report can be customized to include the data that is important to you and your organization.
Default Column Selections
By default, the Details tab includes the following columns:
Sent Date
Bulletin Subject
Delivery Status
Total Recipients
Percent Delivered
Bulletin Visibility
Using the Column Chooser
The column chooser allows you to customize which fields are included in your report. Note that as you select additional fields, the report data will scroll horizontally. To choose additional columns:
Click Columns.
Select the fields to include in the report. You can also deselect the default fields.
Click Save to save your changes or Close to cancel.
Once you customize the report, govDelivery will remember your selections. The next time you return to the Bulletin Analytics report, the columns that you selected will display.
Filtering by Topic
In addition to choosing the columns/fields to include in the Bulletin Analytics report, you can also filter report data by topic. To do so:
Click the + in the Topics section.
Select the topic(s) to filter by.
Click Filter.
Exporting Your Bulletin Analytics Report
To export your report to a .CSV file, click Export. Only the columns that you selected are included in the exported report.