Use the Action Text tabs to control how the actions taken on each item at a meeting are reported in the meeting minutes. On the Actions tab in the Minutes module, users select options such as Mover, Seconder, Action, Vote Type, and Votes from the available drop-down lists. Legistar uses that data to construct a sentence or two describing what happened. Legistar creates this text in real time, enables users to edit the text as needed, and then uses the action text on any report or display where required.
Your entries in the Action Text section determine the format for the one-or-two-sentence text block. This text block, which is automatically generated, may change based on different situations. For example, although the action (e.g. Adopted) may be the same, the action text is different for a situation in which there was a Voice Vote motion that passed, a Roll Call motion that failed, or a Consent vote on a block of items. The Action Text section displays every combination of these situational variables.
Note: You can set up the No Vote Action template by selecting it using the Action Text menu, and using the Edit Motion and Vote Text tab.
Entering Sample Data
Use the Enter Sample Data tab to enter sample data to see how actions will be reported under different conditions. To make sure that all conditions display correctly, select options from the various lists. These options are the same as the options used to enter actions for meetings in the Minutes module. In this way, you can see how the settings in the Edit Motion & Vote Text tab look in different situations. The preview pane at the bottom of the screen under each tab displays the result of changes you make in either the sample data or the settings.
From the left menu, click Workflow Control, click Workflow Options, then click Action Text. The Enter Sample Data screen is displayed by default.
Click the Action Text menu on the top of the screen, and select a condition from the drop-down list. Examples: No Vote Action, Roll Call, Voice Vote, Consent Voice, Consent Roll Call.
Complete the following fields:
Select Sample File Type
Select a file type from the drop-down list provided. The file type appears in the preview pane.
Select Sample Action Taken
Select an action from the drop-down list provided. The action appears in the preview pane.
Select Sample Movers or “No Mover”
Select the name of the mover from the drop-down list provided, or leave this field blank if there is no mover. If you select a name, the name appears in the preview pane.
Select Sample Seconder or “No Seconder”
Select the name of the seconder from the drop-down list provided, or leave this field blank if there is no seconder. If you select a name, the name appears in the preview pane.
Select Sample Target Body
Select a target body from the drop-down list provided. The target body appears in the preview pane.
Select Sample Vote Result
Select a vote result from the drop-down list provided. The text associated with the vote result appears in the preview pane.
Select Sample Vote Type
Select a vote type from the drop-down list provided. The text associated with the vote type appears in the preview pane.
Use Sample Due Date
Select this checkbox to use a sample due date. A date appears in the preview pane.
Show Sample Vote
Select this checkbox to display a sample vote. {VOTE_TALLY} appears in the preview pane.
Editing Motion and Vote Text
Use the Edit Motion and Vote Text tab to build the motion string sentence in the Minutes module. The motion string is displayed in the Action Text field in the Minutes module, and users can edit it as necessary. Use the Edit Motion & Vote Text tab for any action that involves a motion and ether a voice vote or roll call vote.
Note: While you can move the variables around within each field, it is not possible to move variables from field-to-field. For example, you cannot add the variable [SECONDER_NAME] to the If there is a mover, this is added field.
From the left menu, click Workflow Control, click Workflow Options, then click Action Text.
Click the Edit Motion and Vote Text tab. The Edit Motion and Vote Text screen is displayed.
Click the Action Text menu on the top of the screen, and select a condition from the drop-down list.
Examples: No Vote Action, Roll Call, Voice Vote, Consent Voice, Consent Roll Call, Consent Voice Master Line, Consent Roll Call Master Line.
Note: Do not use the Default Action condition.
Edit the following fields if necessary:
The Action Text starts with this
This is the beginning text of the motion string sentence.
Examples: A motion was made, The motion was made, On a motion.
If there is a mover, this is added
This is a variable for the mover name, and places the mover in the motion string.
Examples: by [MOVER], from [MOVER]
If there is a seconder, this is added
This is a variable for the seconder name, and places the seconder in the motion string.
Examples: by [SECONDER], from [SECONDER]
Format for mover and seconder
Select the display name format for the mover and seconder from the drop-down list provided.
[Display Name]
[First Name] [Last Name]
[Last Name]
[Title] [Display Name]
[Title] [First Name] [Last Name]
[Title] [Last Name]
File Type and Action are needed
This is the variable for the file type and action name. If you do not want to use the file type, you can use the term "matter" or “item.”
that this [FILE_TYPE] be [ACTION_NAME]
that this matter be [ACTION_NAME]
Important Note: The variable [MEDIAMANAGER_MOTIONTEXT] only works if entered on this line. It won’t work if added anywhere else.
If this is being referred, then add
This is the variable for the receiving body for any 'sent to' type of action.
Examples: to the [TARGET_BODY]; for follow-up to [TARGET_BODY]
If due date is recorded, then this is added
This is the variable for the due date.
Examples: due back on [DUE DATE]; to be heard on [DUE DATE]
If the vote result was
Select a vote result from the drop-down list available.
Examples: passed, failed or tied
this is added:
If you select a vote result, enter text describing the result at the end of the motion string sentence.
Examples: The motion was passed; passed was the motion.
If the vote was a
Select Roll Call, Voice Vote, Consent Roll Call, or Consent Voice Vote as the type of vote.
This is added
If you select a type of vote, enter text describing how the item was passed or failed. Examples: by the following votes, unanimously.
Click Save.
Repeat steps 2-5 for each condition displayed in the Action Text drop-down menu.