The Account Performance Report is a 12-month snapshot of success metrics for your organization, which provides a 360-degree view of your overall account performance. These analytics give you and your agency a high level of understanding about the amount of people you are engaging, the impact of different channels you use to contact subscribers, the types and amounts of information you disseminate, and more.
You can use this information to measure your communications goals, complete yearly analyses, and look for ways to further streamline your agency’s messaging efforts. With the click of a button, you can also email a neatly formatted version of the report to any email address you want to share your account growth and performance statistics with.
Viewing the Report
To view the Account Performance report, click on the Reports tab on the left side of your screen, and then click on Account Performance Report under the Account Reports section. The report displays data for a 12-month span of time. By default, the report displays data for the 12 months ending at the previous month. You can set another span of time for the report by choosing the ending month in the drop-down menu at the top of the page.
Note: The Account Performance Report is available to Account Administrators. Topic Administrators and Group Administrators will not be able to view this report option.
When is the Account Performance Report Updated?
You can view the Account Performance Report at any time, however, the report is updated on the second day of each month. Data for each month is calculated on the second day of the next month. Put another way, each time the report is updated, the data added is for the previous month.
Key Metrics
The Key Metrics section of the Account Performance Report provides you with a summary style overview of six basic and essential pieces of data regarding your account:
Subscribers(Net Change) – Represents the net total of subscribers that were added to your account over the previous twelve months. This number is rounded--for a more precise metric, see the Subscriber Profile Metrics section.
Topic Subscriptions (Net Change) – Represents the net total of topic subscriptions that were added to your account over the previous twelve months. This number is rounded--for a more precise metric, see the Subscriptions Metrics section.
Subscriptions Per Subscriber – Represents an average number of topics that your subscribers are subscribed to. This is simply calculated by dividing your account’s total subscriptions by your account’s total subscribers.
Impressions – Represents the total number of bulletin opens and clicks combined.
Engagement Rate – Represents a percentage of trackable recipients who were sent a bulletin and opened or clicked on a link in the 90 days prior to your selected end month, and five days past the end of the selected end month, to account for engagement after the bulletin is sent. For government organizations looking at performance, Engagement Rate is one of the most important metrics. See below for how Engagement Rate is calculated.
Network Impact – Represents the percentage growth in your subscribers as a result of leveraging the govDelivery Network.
To the left of the key metric numbers, you will see a line graph, which charts your total subscriber growth over time.
This section of the report lets you see how your organization is increasing reach and which sources are bringing in the most subscribers.
Subscribers and Subscriptions
The Subscribers and Subscriptions section each feature three main segments to give you an all-encompassing look at information regarding your subscriber and subscription base: A bar graph for quick data visualization, metric numbers for more precise data, and a gray box with the overall percentage of subscriber/subscription growth.
Bar Graphs
The layered bar graphs under Subscribers and Subscriptions provide a month-to-month breakdown of where your account’s subscribers and subscriptions are coming from. For more information about these numbers, see Subscriber Origin.
Tip: Hover over the key to the right of the bar graph to highlight that data in the graph itself.
The metrics found on the right side of these sections give you more detailed information about your account's growth over the past 12 months.
Direct – The Direct number reflects those subscribers and subscriptions that came in directly from your quick subscribe link, whether it’s on your website, in your email signature, or elsewhere.
Overlay – The number of subscribers and subscriptions added when a subscriber signed up using an overlay on your website.
Signup Builder – The number of subscribers and subscriptions that originated from a signup made with the Signup Builder. This includes subscriptions that originated from an embedded signup, overlay, or URL on your webpage, as long as the signup itself was created with the Signup Builder.
Network – The number of subscribers and subscriptions that came in through your govDelivery Network partners.
Upload – The number of Upload subscribers and subscriptions reflect users and new topic subscriptions that were uploaded manually through the govDelivery admin interface.
Other – Some accounts may notice an Other category. These subscriber and subscriptions may have come in through other methods such as a database or back end import.
Note: Topic Subscription data prior to March 2012 will display in the Other category because the breakdown for origin was previously unavailable.
Deleted – The number of subscribers or subscriptions deleted from your account in the past twelve months. This could include subscribers who unsubscribed themselves or email accounts that generated a hard bounce and led to the subscriber accounts (and associated topic subscriptions) being automatically deleted.
Change in Total Subscribers/Subscriptions – The delta, or difference, in total subscribers or subscriptions over the past twelve months. This number combines added and deleted subscribers or subscriptions in the past twelve months.
Total Subscribers/Subscriptions as of [MM/YYYY] – The total number of subscribers or subscriptions in the account at the end of the month indicated.
Spark Lines
The spark lines to the right of the Source of New Subscribers/Subscriptions bar graph, demonstrate total subscriber and subscription growth over the 12-month period you selected. Each line graph includes a light grey median line, as well as black dots to represent the minimum and maximum values. Hover over different locations on the line to view specific totals for individual months.
Percent growth past 12 months
This percentage is calculated by taking the number of subscribers added to your account in the last 12 months and dividing it by the total number of subscribers from the start of this time span. So if you're looking at the report for August of the current year, it would be the number of subscribers added in the 12 months leading up to this August divided by the total number of subscribers for your account as of the previous August.
Network Impact
The Network Impact area outlines the impact of the govDelivery Network for those accounts that are using it. There are three subsections of the Network Impact area.
New Network Subscribers as Percentage of Direct
This bar graph displays the percentage of your new network subscribers as a percentage of your direct subscribers. This metric is calculated by dividing your network subscribers by your direct subscribers to calculate the percent increase. Hover over each month to view the specific percentage for that individual month.
Top Contributors to Your Account
This area list the top ten most effective agencies and organizations you have cross-promoted your account with over the 12-months encompassed in your report. A green check mark will appear under the current column if this is another agency you are currently cross promoting with as a part of the govDelivery Network. Beside each agency, is the number of subscribers your account gained, based on being featured in that agencies subscriber sign-up process.
Increase in New Subscribers via govDelivery Network
This box displays a percentage that represents the increase of new subscribers to your account as a result of leveraging the govDelivery Network for the 12 months you selected for your report.
Your engagement rate is important, as it shows how many of your trackable subscribers are interacting with your agency and responding to your messaging and communication efforts. There are key differences between private sector and public sector digital communications. When looking at performance metrics, timely, urgent or frequent messaging such as weather or road closure alerts need to be taken into account. The Engagement Rate metric looks holistically at all of the people you are reaching and assesses what percentage of that audience is interacting with your content over a period of time, based on their message opens and clicks.
For government agencies looking at performance metrics, Engagement Rate is the most important, as it provides a true measure of messaging success for the public sector.
How is Engagement Rate Calculated?
The Engagement Rate calculation takes the number of unique email recipients who opened an email or clicked on a link in an email and flags them as “Engaged”. The number of “Engaged” users is divided by the number of unique email recipients who received an email during the same time period. Activity is tracked over 90 days. The time frame of tracked email recipients is shorter than the time frame of tracked activity to account for 2 weeks of open or click interactions that may occur after the last tracked email is sent.
For example, If a report is generated on May 1, it will include all email recipients from January 16 – April 15th (blue arrow). The message activity (red arrow) is then still captured through April 30 to account for any opens or clicks that occur after April 15th.
Bar Graph
The bar graph on the left provides a month-to-month bar graph that measures actions your subscribers have taken in response to messages over a 90-day period.
Engagement By Month
The Engagement by Month section shows the exact numbers related to each month in your report, outlining both how many distinct recipients were sent a bulletin for each month and how many recipients engaged by either opening or clicking in a bulletin.
Topic Activity
The Topic Activity section of the Account Performance Report provides you with an overview of your highest performing Topics you have created within your agency. On the left side, you’ll notice a table that displays your ten most popular Topics over the previous year, based on the overall net change in subscriptions.
On the right is a similar table that displays your ten most popular Topics over the previous year, based on the total number of bulletins sent to those Topics over that period of time.
Comparing these two lists of Topics can be extremely helpful, as you may notice trends in data, which might suggest you could be sending more bulletins to Topics with higher subscription rates, or fewer bulletins to Topics with lower subscription rates.
This section lets you explore which online channels you are leveraging to maximize the impact of your communication efforts.
Delivery Channels
The Delivery Channels section of your Account Performance Report provides a detailed look at the total messages you have sent and the total number of recipients, separated by the channels that you choose to send them through.
The Messages Sent section is broken into four categories: Email, SMS (text messages), Facebook, and Twitter. The number to the right of each of these categories represents the total messages sent through that channel. The line graph to the left is a visual representation of monthly values, and you can hover over any point in the line to view a snapshot for specific months.
The Recipients section is broken into three categories: Email, SMS, and Shared Bulletin Page Views. These totals on the right refer to how many total subscribers received an email or an SMS message from your agency. The Shared Bulletin Page Views section refers to bulletins your organization has chosen to make public. These bulletins are given a unique URL and can be publicly linked to. Often, your agency will receive traffic to these static bulletin pages by people who are not subscribers to your account and may have searched or been sent a link to that information. This helps you determine the incremental reach of your message beyond your initial recipients.
Sharing Your Report
One of the most helpful elements of the Account Performance Report is the ease with which you’re able to take these graphs and statistics and share them with others. You can share your Account Performance Report with superiors or coworkers in two ways:
Sharing by Email
You can have govDelivery deliver a neatly displayed version of the Account Performance Report directly to your chosen recipients’ email inboxes. To do so:
Click the Share button in the top right corner.
In the window that appears, add email addresses by typing them or click “Add My Contacts” to include all people in your My Contacts list.
Note: Once you’ve typed an email address into this box that address will be added to your My Contacts list for use in the future with both Account Performance reports or test sending email bulletins.
Optionally add a personalized note in the sharing process to elaborate, explain, or just greet recipients.
Click Send.
Printing the Report
Clicking the PDF button beside the Share button in the top right corner will automatically download a PDF version of the Account Performance Report to your computer. Once downloaded, this version of the report can be printed for hard-copy distribution.