1. When you open iLegislate, the Agendas screen displays by default. This screen displays a list of upcoming meetings that have agendas published in the Granicus Platform. The list synchronizes with your Granicus Platform site every 2 minutes.
  2. Tap an agenda on the Agendas screen. The agenda opens, displaying the agenda items. 

     Agenda Items in iPads


Note: Icons display beside an agenda item if the item has attachments, you have bookmarked or made notes on the item, or public comments have been submitted on the item.




Indicates there is an attachment associated with the agenda item.


Indicates you have bookmarked the agenda item.


Indicates you have added a note about the agenda item.

agendadetails - Copy.PNG

Indicates public comments have been submitted on the agenda item.

  1. To continue working with Agendas, see the following topics: