Use the Workflow Controls screen to view and set up actions, which you use to route files to their next position. For example, if a file has the action of "adopted" taken on it, then the result is typically "passed." 

In Legistar, you process actions in the Files module for approvals or routing, and on the Actions tab in the Minutes module.  Depending on your requirements, some actions require votes or a specific number of votes; other files may not require any votes.

Examples of Actions: 

SignedThe Mayor indicates he has signed the Legislation
PublishThe Clerk to publish an Ordinance for a public hearing
ApproveThe Council to approve an Ordinance for second reading
Recommend adoptionA Committee to recommend adoption of a resolution to Council

The following table lists pre-existing actions already set up in the system. For each system, the table displays whether or not the action takes target, locks the file, and is a final action/procedural action. For more information on these checkboxes, see Step 3 below:

ActionTakes TargetLocks the FileFinal ActionProcedural Actions
Adopted YesYesYes
Approved as Amended YesYes 
Approved YesYesYes
Approved on first reading YesYes 
Approved on second reading    
Received and filed YesYes 
Recommended for approval    
Recommended for disapproval    
Returned without recommendation    
Approved on the consent agenda   Yes
Adjourned   Yes
  1. From the left menu, click Workflow Control. The Workflow Controls screen is displayed by default. The screen displays the list of previously added actions. 


  1. Click New. The following fields are displayed:


  1. Complete the following fields and checkboxes (fields with asterisks are required):

*Legistar Action (past tense)

Enter the name of the action. This name appears in the database and on displays and reports.


Enter an abbreviation of the action that can be used for custom reports and displays.

Granicus Action (present tense)

Enter a name for exporting to LiveManager; it automatically converts the action to past tense on export. Legistar always works in past tense and LiveManager works in present tense. 

Active Tense

Select this checkbox for the motion string to use the term entered in the active tense, e.g., Pass or Adopt. Leave this checkbox blank if you are using verbiage such as Passed or Adopted.

The Active Tense action is the action that needs to map to the actions in LiveManager.  This is because Legistar always works in past tense and LiveManager works in present tense. This is done so LiveManager can have correct tense and then Legistar can also use the correct tense.

Takes Target

Select this checkbox if the action requires a "sent to" body to complete the routing of the file. You would typically select this checkbox for the Referred, Scheduled, and Assigned actions.

In the Minutes module, the Sent To field on the Actions tab shows the body to which the item is being referred, and will set that body as the controlling bodyfor that item. It is inactive unless the action calls for a target body.

Final Action

Select this checkbox to populate the Final Action field in the Files module with the date this action was taken. You would typically use this checkbox for the Adopted, Adopted as Amended, and Approved actions.

Enactment Number

Select this checkbox if the system should assign an enactment number (EN) when this action is taken, e.g., when an item is adopted. The EN is set up for each file type on the Legislative Files screen, and is assigned during minutes processing. There can only be one EN per file and typically the item is final when the EN is present.

Lock the File

Select this checkbox if the system should automatically lock the legislative file when this action is taken. Locking a file prevents any changes from occurring on the file until it is unlocked.

Best Practice Tip: We recommend you always select this checkbox.

Procedural Actions

Select this checkbox to enable users to process this action as a procedural action. A procedural action is an action taken at a meeting, but not on a legislative file. Examples of these actions include Adjourn, Reconvene from Closed Session, and Suspend the Rules. Selecting this checkbox enables users to edit header level items.

  1. Click Save