Q: Can anyone send a bulletin to subscribers via the Send by Email function?
A: No. The email address that originates the Send by Email bulletin must match an administrator email in your govDelivery account. Note that the "From Address" of the email must exactly match the administrator's email in govDelivery. If a Send by Email bulletin is received from someone that is not an administrator for the account, an email is sent to the Topic's Administrator with an error message that the bulletin failed.
Q: Do administrators receive courtesy copies for Send by Email bulletins?
A: Yes, courtesy copies for all Send By Email messages are sent to all administrators who elected to receive these messages for the topic.
Q: Do Send by Email bulletins expire if they are not confirmed within a certain time frame?
A: Yes, administrators most confirm a Send by Email bulletin within 48 hours. If 48 hours has elapsed since the confirmation email was sent, the bulletin shall not be sent and an error email shall be returned to the administrator.
Q: Can someone other than the originator of the Send by Email bulletin confirm the bulletin?
A: No, the bulletin must be confirmed by the originator of the bulletin. The original sender must either click the link in the confirmation email or reply from the email address that originated the bulletin with the word APPROVED in the body of the message.
Q: Are unconfirmed Send by Email bulletins automatically deleted from govDelivery?
A: Yes, unconfirmed Send by Email bulletins are deleted after seven days. Administrators may also manually delete unconfirmed bulletins at any time.
Q: Are Send by Email bulletins included in govDelivery reports?
A: Yes, all Send by Email bulletins are included in govDelivery reports.
Q: Can you send attachments in a Send by Email bulletin?
A: Yes, attachments can be included in Send by Email bulletins. Attachments are limited to a total of 1 MB per bulletin. Bulletins that exceed the size limit are not saved to govDelivery. Note that if an attachment is infected by a virus, govDelivery will not save a draft of the Send by Email bulletin and the sender is not notified of the error condition. If the bulletin contains an unsupported attachment type, govDelivery will send the administrator an error message. Read more about Adding Attachments to Bulletins.
Q: When sending a Send by Email bulletin to multiple topics, what From Address will the bulletin originate from? Can an administrator select which From Address to use?
A: The administrator cannot select a specific From Address for a Send by Email bulletin sent to multiple topics. Granicus will select a From Address of one of the Topics.
Q: Can you send a Send by Email bulletin to multiple topics?
A: Yes. To send a Send by Email bulletin to multiple topics, send the email to the Send by Email address for each topic. govDelivery will automatically eliminate duplicate subscriber email addresses, ensuring that subscribers do not receive duplicate messages.
Q: I received an error message stating that my bulletin contained invalid characters. What does this mean?
A: Bulletin subject lines cannot include curly braces: { or }, so if your subject line contains either of these characters, you will need to remove or replace them before sending your bulletin.