Before they can send communications for a topic, an administrator in govDelivery must be assigned that topic. You'll also want to add notifications on that topic for that administrator, so they receive emails with updates about their topic, courtesy copies, of the messages they're sending, error alerts, etc.

Assigning Topics to an Administrator

Topic and Group Administrators can be assigned to one or more topics. When you assign an administrator to a topic, the administrator has permission to send bulletins from that topic and receives Page Watch, Courtesy Copy, and Error messages for the topic. Note that only topic and group administrators can be assigned to individual topics.

To assign topics to an administrator or to modify the administrator's topic assignments:

  1. On the left toolbar, click Administrators.
  2. Click the administrator's name.
  3. On the right toolbar, click Topics.
  4. Select one or more topics.
  5. Click Save Changes.

Modifying Administrator Notifications

By default, Topic and Group Administrators will receive Page Watch and Courtesy Copy messages for the topics that they are assigned to. Account Administrators receive Page Watch and Courtesy Copy messages for all topics in the account. 

To view or modify notifications an administrator receives from govDelivery, including Page Watch results, Courtesy Copies, and Error Messages:

  1. On the left toolbar, click Administrators.
  2. Click the administrator's name.
  3. On the right toolbar, click Notifications.
  4. Update the administrator's notifications.
  5. Click Save.
Tip: To assign multiple notifications to an administrator at once, click the Page Watch, CC, or Errors check box to select all.