Complete the following steps after opening an archive for editing:

  1. Click the Minutes subtab.
  1. Click New.

  1. Enter a name in the Document Name field.
  1. Select Generated HTML to create a minutes document using the MediaManager agenda (you must also select a template from the drop-down menu); or

select Uploaded file to attach an external minutes document; or

select Linked web page to link to a web page of a minutes document; or

select Word Integrated to use the Microsoft Word Add-in application to create your minutes document.

Note: Your minutes template must be configured to display the following fields, so they are optional. Contact your client executive or Granicus Customer Care for more information on how to enable them.

  1. Enter a Document Status.
  1. Enter a Posted Date in MM/DD/YYYY format, or click the calendar icon and select a date.
  1. Enter a Volume Number.
  1. Enter Document Signatures.
  1. Scroll back to the top of the form and click Create Document

Creating a new minutes document