This article explains how to upload a video to create a new archive video. You can either follow the video or written instructions below. 

The system automatically creates and uploads an archive to the view page when your archive's status is set to Public. However, you can also upload your own video clips to create new archive videos.

Uploading a Video

To upload a new video clip, complete the following steps from the Archives tab in MediaManager:

New Video button

  1. Click the New Video button found on the toolbar. 

  2. Click Choose File

  3. Select the file to be uploaded. If your site uses Windows Media, this file must in WMV format. If your site is configured for H.264, this file must be in MP4 format. If you're unsure about this, ask your administrator.

Here are the specifications for uploading files:

MP4 (h.264)






Profile: Baseline Level 3

48kbps or more

Data Rates: 350 kbps, 650 kbps, or 1000 kbps

Sample Rate: 44100 Hz

Max File Size: 8 GB

WMV (Windows Media)

Audio only

Video with Audio

Bit Rate: 32 kbps

Video Bit Rate: 241 kbps

Buffer Size: "streaming" or 10 seconds

Buffer Size: "streaming" or 10 seconds

Codec: Windows Media Audio 9.2

Frame Size: 320 x 240


Frame Rate: 30 frames per second


Key Frame Interval: 2 seconds


Smoothness: 50

 Codec: Windows Media Video 9
  1. Click Open. This populates the file name in the Filename field.

  2. Click Start Upload. This process may take a minute or more, depending on the file size. 

  3. When the upload is complete, you'll land back on the Basic File Properties page.

  4. Edit the file properties (Optional). 

  5. Click Save Properties.