Free text, or free response, questions let you collect a text response (e.g., first name, zip code, thoughts on legislation, etc.) from your subscribers. For this type of question, you can collect up to 1000 characters in your responses. Before creating questions, we strongly recommend reviewing the Best Practices for using Questions section in the Questions Overview

Creating a Free Response Question

  1. On the menu to the left side of your screen, click on Questions.
  2. Click on the Create Question button at the top of your screen.
  3. Give your question a descriptive Name. Subscribers will not see this text.
  4. In the Question Type field, select Free Text.
  5. If you want the question to be shown to subscribers when you save it, set Publicly Visible to Yes.
    Tip: Some organizations choose to keep questions hidden, or not public, if they want to upload data on their subscribers that they have already collected. You can use question responses to associate data with subscriber accounts. Making your question public lets subscribers see and update their responses.
  6. Set Response Field Size to the length of responses you expect.
    Note: This setting controls the display of the question field on the page; it does not change the character limit. All field sizes have a character limit of 1000.
  7. Click Save.
When you create a question, it becomes available for all topics in your account. If you want to restrict a question so it can only be used for certain topics, you can assign it to those topics.